Create A Bright New Present & Future for Yourself and Those Around You
Using Resolve & Release the Past... Overcome Grief, Loss & Trauma.
2 1/2 Day Workshop - Transform Your Life! Overcome grief & trauma no matter what the source. Manifest your highest Dreams, Desires, Visions and Goals! You can Experience Peace!
Would You Like to Improve Your Life's Direction?
Are you suffering from a broken heart due to death of a loved one,
divorce or another major loss?
Are You Experiencing Sadness, Grief or Regret Over The Past?
Would You Like to Enhance Your Quality of Life?
Transform Resistance & Old Blocks into Stepping Stones of Empowerment!
*Release Limiting Patterns, Experience Life Like Never Before!
*Increase Your Ability to Consciously Create Your Desires!
*Experience a Renewed Sense of Peace and Well-being!
The workshop offers a simple, step-by-step system that will show you how to
increase your vibration and enhance the creation of anything you
want in life and flow with grace and ease through every obstacle on your way to it.
1. Peace through Grief & Loss Resolution, Resolution and reframing of traumas!
2. Heighten your ability to consciously create and manifest what you desire!
3. Understand your choices for life and their opportunities and gifts!
4. Release limiting mental, emotional, physical patterns/energies!
5. Clear, balance, and attune your energy centers or chakras!
6. Realize your genuine wholeness and Oneness with All That Is!
7. Cultivate and express greater forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others!
Did you know that 99% of what manifests in your life today originates from your unconscious beliefs, where the unconscious patterning you’ve learned dictates your thoughts, emotions and actions, everything you do?
Most of this patterning and imprinting is rooted in childhood, family ancestry, some from later in life and other sources. Much of what you’ve learned may work. Some of it however, is outdated, sabotaging and just flat does not serve your highest good. This is the type of patterning we want to shift and change so we can better create and manifest our conscious desires and attract what we want in life, thus improving our quality of life.
*In this deeply moving workshop working through the emotional body and into the unconscious -
you will release false or outdated thoughts, beliefs and expectations!
You will experience clear and precise steps for resolution and recovery from trauma, or situations resulting from grief and loss. Your experience of life as you've known it will then be transformed. You move into a state of balance, completion, and a heightened ability to consciously create in your life.
Creating through Emotional Resolution, Thought, Vision, Imagination and Sound
Dr. Paul invites you to open to your true essence, experience a renewed sense of peace and well-being, and begin this empowering process of change resulting in conscious creating. This, giving you the opportunity to experience your life like never before!
We begin to Realize Our Dreams, Goals & Desires... and in many cases Discover Our Dreams to be Realized!

"I would like to acknowledge the inspiring work, dedication and spiritual focus that Paul displays within his Healing workshops, very powerful."
Love in Oneness,"
- Alton Kamadon